Horse Testimonials


This is our first time making the mini pony pad.  Here we have the lovely Lizzie with her mini, ‘Patriot’ wearing the ‘Camouflage ‘ saddle pad.  Look at that smile (Lizzie) and that belly (Patriot).  They tie for cuteness!!  🙂

She wears is well!

Thanks for the shout-out, Redribbon_Mare! 🙂

@redribbon_mare loves her Finding Dory saddle pad! Thank you for sharing, and enjoy it! ❤️we love seeing your horses modeling their saddle pads.

redribbon_mareHere’s a close up of my@catscustomsaddlepads pad I got ???? she has another one on her instapage with different colored trim! We could totally match ? plus I got some blue polos to match dory today! And on top of that my barn is having a Halloween Gymkhana and I got Freya’s costume all set! ????? who wants to guess what we’re going as !